Danny Kennedy on Strength Training, Nutrition for Fat Loss, Failure, Life Lessons & more

On this episode of the pod, I chat with the awesome Danny Kennedy. He’s a strength coach, head trainer at Keep It Cleaner and the host of The Fitness and Lifestyle Podcast.

Dan is one of the most down to the earth people in this space and is a living example of the philosophies he uses in his coaching. We get stuck into some really awesome topics as Dan shares his journey into fitness, the lessons he’s learnt and some no bullshit advice on training and nutrition.

Take a listen!


How to adapt during Covid/lockdown (1.01)

Structure and goal setting (6.16)

Dan’s morning routine (8.12)

The importance of self awareness and clarity of your goals (11.17)

Perception vs reality on social media (14.10)

Dan’s journey into fitness (17.49)

Misconceptions about strength training for females (21.09)

Misconceptions about cardio for fat loss (22.37)

Misconceptions about protein supplements (27.03)

Eating for fat loss vs performance (30.52)

Dan on eff ups (35.19)

Dan on life lessons (38.55)


Find Dan on IG @djkfitness

Website:Β  http://dannykennedyfitness.com

Podcast: The Fitness and Lifestyle Podcast