Jordanna Levin on How to Set Boundaries, Manifest What You Want & Create Your Own Love Story

I’m thrilled to have the beautiful Jordanna Levin on the pod this week. Jords is a best selling author of the books Higher Love and Make it Happen and the host of 3 amazing podcasts, Lunar Lover, The Middle and Higher Love.

Her upcoming new book Make You Happen is on its way, due for release in May 2022.

If you’re not into super woo woo stuff but are keen to create the life you want, this ep is for you!

Jords’ approach to manifesting is super practical and real world. She unpacks her manifestation equation to create what you want.

We also talk about toxic environments, how to identify if you’re in one , whether that be a work environment, relationship etc and how to create healthy boundaries around your energy and time to remove yourself from it.

Boundaries can be hard for a lot of us to enforce, especially without guilt so we also get stuck into how to find your voice and the piece that underpins it all, self worth. We’ve all heard we need to feel more deserving and worthy but how do we do that?
Jords unpacks how we can create a deeper sense of self worth within ourselves.

We also get stuck into love and dating, how to spot a narcissist and how to NOT attract them. As well as unpacking the Hollywood rom com story narrative that keeps us stuck in a rigid idea of what our own love lives should look like.

And as we delve into developing our self awareness, Jords takes us through her practical methods for discerning the difference between your intuition and fear.

It’s such a jam packed episode! Make sure you take a listen.

Find Jords at:

Instagram: @jordannalevin


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