Why You Can’t Stay Consistent With Your Healthy Eating and What You Can Do with Jen Wheeler

This week we’re getting stuck right into healthy habits and how you can finally be consistent with yours. We’re welcoming the lovely Jen Wheeler, founder of The Active Bod and host of the Healthy Her Podcast to the show to give you all her tips and strategies for living your healthiest life.

Jen found herself addicted to sugar, skipping meals and struggling to gain control of her health and her habits. Since going through her own journey and discovering the best tips and strategies she’s helped so many women ditch the diet overwhelm for lasting results.

In this episode, Jen and I get stuck into:

  • Jen’s journey from unhealthy to thriving
  • The problem with the ‘all in or out’ approach
  • Why trying to be perfect is sabotaging your healthy eating
  • How to stop playing the comparison game
  • Why you need to eat more protein with breakfast
  • How to overcome decision fatigue with your meals
  • Why balancing your macros are key

Plus so much more!

Make sure you tell us what you loved and learnt from this episode by leaving a rating and review wherever you listen to your pods!

Find more on Jen at:

IG: http://instagram.com/theactivebod

Website: https://the-active-bod.com

Find more on Rach at:

IG: http://instagram.com/rachjay__

TikTok: http://tiktok.com/@rachjay_

Website: http://racheljay.co

Amazon Book List: https://www.amazon.com.au/shop/rachjay__